Electronics components

Your Global Partner,In Sourcing Electronic Components,Setting the quality! We have set the bar high for quality components, fast delivery and great customer service.


Over 70 million line items of in-stock inventory, and an international network of thousands of independent and franchised distributors and brokers

Supertronic America Components Inc

Supertronic America Components Inc is an Independent Distributor of all types of board-level electronic components including Integrated circuit,semiconductors, memory chips, connectors, resistors, capacitors, etc.Our goal is to provide our customers with reliable, on-time service at a reasonable cost. We specialize in Hard-To-Find, Allocated, and Obsolete components (actives or passives). Please give us a call next time you are having trouble finding a part.

About Supertronic

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New Original Stock

Supertronic promises that all products originate from the original distribution channel and provide 365 days of quality risk guarantee. If you find that the quality of the product does not conform to the technical parameters of the original factory during the use of the product, we assume the responsibility of quality risk within 365 days.

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Fast delivery

Supertronic has more than 14+ years experience in this field and knows the importance of time. We guarantee we will arrange shipment in 24 hours after order confirmation and customer will get goods in the fastest time.

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365 days warranty

Supertronic promises that all products originate from the original distribution channel and provide 365 days of quality risk guarantee. If you find that the quality of the product does not conform to the technical parameters of the original factory during the use of the product, we assume the responsibility of quality risk within 365 days.

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